About Boost
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About us
Rod Hansen QPM
MBA, BSc (Hons), Dip Appl Crim
Chief Constable,
Gloucestershire Constabulary
In 2019 I gathered together a unique collaboration of individuals from across Gloucestershire and beyond to discuss a distinct gap in support for young people.
These passionate experts – with education, mental health, well being, emotional intelligence and resilience backgrounds – joined to form a new steering group, offering their time freely to do something positive for the next generation.
Twelve months later the Boost programme was born and already thousands of young people have been impacted by it. Its profoundness comes from older students facilitating the learning of young pupils. Boost helps younger people make a difference in spite of, not despite the situations they find themselves in. The programme is grounded in how we interact with each other on a very human level, focusing on self-respect and respect for each other, no matter what your background or circumstances.